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Mysk by Shaza Hotels places great importance in its people because we believe that it is the people that can make a difference. They embody the Mysk Hotels values and ethics by delivering the Brand Promise to our guests and therefore making their stay memorable.



Winning Ways
Our People Philosophy is to win the hearts of our guests.
. Win the expectations of our investors.
. Win our place in society.
. Win awards in the industry.
Most of all, we want all our Colleagues to win in their own eyes, in the eyes of their families and of their loved ones.

Winning careers with Mysk by Shaza

A Colleague at Shaza Hotels is caring, knowledgeable and well trained to be natural in his/her behaviour. Authenticity, passion, awareness and creativity are his/her main attributes and will directly influence our guests' experience.

President & CEO, Simon Coombs

750+ Number of
2 Job